Artist Statement: Rituals are defined by Webster's dictionary as, "any formal, customary observance or procedure." The concept of figuratively wearing a social mask is deeply ingrained in our society. Social masks are a façade, ostensibly used out of politeness and social courtesy, to prevent us from burdening others. Their use has become a ritual that is violated only by people who are deemed "intimates," socially inappropriate, or in an extreme emotional state.
Perhaps they are not only a façade, but also a barrier to keep others out so we don't reveal too much of ourselves to others. When we meet a friend or acquaintance, we ask, "How are you?" The phrase is politely and unthinkingly responded to, "fine, and you?" How many times are we truly not fine, but rather angry at the way the grocery checkout clerk behaved, depressed by unexpected news or frustrated at yet another household repair requiring time, attention and money?
Perhaps masks are not only a barrier to prevent others from becoming too intimate, but also a tool to keep ourselves contained from admitting what we truly feel. To take off the mask is scary, disarming to others, and revealing to us.
Dimensions: 24" wide x 20" high