Artist Statement: Generally I like to work intuitively and spontaneously. However, sometimes I enjoy working from a sketch, developing a cartoon and refining my techniques. The process becomes as important as the product.
I had previously completed apiece similar to this for my daughter, Joyce. The work is inspired by Rene Macintosh's tearoom designs. In addition I incorporated my recent fascination with the moon as a theme.
The face is my own work using colored pencil on paper. I then used 'Bubble Jet Set' on silk. This allowed me to take the pencil work, scan it to the computer, and copy it onto the silk.
The mums went through several iterations. One of the first was the mum used in the postcard announcing "Gifts to Gold Mountain". Unable to produce the look I wanted using a traditional mum configuration, I began abstracting the mum in various geometrical ways. When it was nearly complete I realized there was a dragon fly in the mum. Threadwork and beads were used to enhance the overall design.
Chinese Chrysanthemum Series: Jin Gou Lao Yu