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Lillie Fontaine - When Sheep Prevail![]() Artist Statement: I was compelled to make this piece to express my despair and frustration over the way the United States began the 21st Century. Some Americans are sheep, willing to follow our government in trampling the principles espoused in the U.S. Constitution and in trampling the freedoms represented by the Statue of Liberty. They accept the isolating of the United States from the rest of the world as it becomes an aggressor nation, rather than a leader and peacekeeper. They accept the destruction of another nation by war. They accept the useless, warrant-less searches at airports. They accept the Healthy Forests initiative which is about enriching timber companies, not saving forests. They accept that the Arctic Wildlife Refuge could be compromised to enrich oil companies. They feel they know what's best for a woman better than she does, and prefer a woman as happy homemaker, mother, or courtesan, not as a person with the same rights as males. This piece is about what happens when people blindly follow their leaders – when sheep prevail. Dimensions: 66" wide x 41.5" high |
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