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Dorothy Ives - Americas StruggleArtist Statement: We have choices. We can choose the society we want to live in by choosing our paths, one move at a time. Yes, there are outside pressures and actions. Yes, we are channeled in specific directions. Yes, our leadership seems to have the power. But ultimately we get the leadership we desire, and perhaps deserve. If we all just really thought about what we did - if we really acted according to our own lights and didn't let others choose for us. What a different world it would be. Just for today, why not choose to act in a way that you personally can respect. Put energy into what you want to grow. Vote with your actions, your money, as well as at your polling place, for the world that you want. Influences: Spring 2003 Women's WORLD sponsored a web-based essay project challenging women to respond to a series of questions. These questions are posed in the border of this game board. Also, the 6 word circles were transported to Chicago for others, mostly children to write on the individual pieces - to say what they wanted to say about that word. Dimensions: Floor piece: 106" wide x 78" high; Spinner: 13" x 17.5" |
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