Artist Statement: Manzanar could be described as "winds blow through vast sky." Once the site of a World War II detention center for American citizens of Japanese descent and Japanese aliens, little remains today of the facility that housed 10,000 people. Located amidst the vast open spaces of the high desert in the shadow of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, internees often endured oppressive heat and relentless winds. Despite their situation and the conditions of their environment, many of the internees created gardens out of the harsh desert landscape. Providing a sense of home and personal accomplishment these gardens helped make life in the camp tolerable. May this example of endurance of the human spirit, despite all circumstance, be remembered.
The National Park Service, as part of its recent work to preserve Manzanar as a National Historic Site, uncovered rocks previously covered by sand, showing the outline of gardens made by internees.
Chinese Chrysanthemum Series: Chang Feng Wan Li
Materials & Techniques: Cotton fabrics and threads, fabric paint. HP image transfer, fusible web.